function init(){
$('.sqs-block-markdown').nextUntil('.sqs-block-markdown, .sqs-block-code').slideUp(); //Your code (wrapped in a function)
$('.sqs-block-markdown').not(this).nextUntil('.sqs-block-markdown, .sqs-block-code').slideUp(),
$(this).nextUntil('.sqs-block-markdown, .sqs-block-code').slideToggle();
document.addEventListener('pageChange', function(){ //When the change page event fires due to ajax
init(); //Call the code again
/*This stuff listens for an ajax page change*/
window.onload = watch;
function watch(){MutationObserver=window.MutationObserver||window.WebKitMutationObserver;var a=new MutationObserver(function(a){for(var b=0;b PRODUCT DESCRIPTION Fired Earth Adhesion Primer is a hybrid solvent-based plaster primer which penetrates the surface and ensures optimum adhesion of topcoats to the surface, while providing protection against alkali and efflorescence. PRODUCT BENEFITS · Alkali and water resistant · Suitable for a variety of surfaces · Masks minor imperfections · Resistant to efflorescence · Excellent adhesion properties · Excellent penetration and binding properties · Quick drying · Easy to use SPREADING RATE Approximately 4 - 8 m²/ℓ per application depending on the type of substrate, surface porosity and application method. It’s recommended that two coats are applied to highly porous substrates DRYING PROPERTIES Surface or touch-dry: within 2 hours Over-coating time: 8 Hours depending on conditions during drying. CLEANING Do not allow the product to dry on equipment. Equipment is readily cleaned using water. (Some detergent or liquid soap may be added to water to facilitate clean up) PRODUCT SIZES 5 L & 20 L DOCUMENTATION WHITEADHESION PRIMER