Please fill out the form below to register guarantee. The guarantee must be registered within 30 days of the purchase of this product. Please note: Registration can only be done per product variant. Multiple products must be registered individually.
Terms & Conditions:
The guarantee in terms of this Guarantee shall commence on the Commencement Date subject to the condition that the Consumer must lodge the guarantee with Promac by registering on this website: or by calling the Promac Paints Guarantee and Advisory Service Line on 012 804 7305. In order for the guarantee to be valid, this must be done within 30 (thirty) days of the purchase date of the Product/s.
The Purchaser / Developer / Contractor shall notify Promac of a claim in writing providing full details thereof, and shall set out the basis on which it believes that Promac is liable in terms of the Guarantee agreement.
The content of this Guarantee shall not affect any rights which either party holds in terms of Statutory or Common Law, and including those granted in terms of the CPA.
Please view the year specific terms & conditions below:
3 Year | 5 Year | 7 Year | 8 Year | 10 Year | 15 Year | 20 Year