function init(){
$('.sqs-block-markdown').nextUntil('.sqs-block-markdown, .sqs-block-code').slideUp(); //Your code (wrapped in a function)
$('.sqs-block-markdown').not(this).nextUntil('.sqs-block-markdown, .sqs-block-code').slideUp(),
$(this).nextUntil('.sqs-block-markdown, .sqs-block-code').slideToggle();
document.addEventListener('pageChange', function(){ //When the change page event fires due to ajax
init(); //Call the code again
/*This stuff listens for an ajax page change*/
window.onload = watch;
function watch(){MutationObserver=window.MutationObserver||window.WebKitMutationObserver;var a=new MutationObserver(function(a){for(var b=0;b PRODUCT DESCRIPTION Fired Earth Weatherproof Liquid Wax is a UV and all weather resistant deep penetrating liquid wax that seeps into the wood surface to protect and feed the wood for all exterior woodwork. Use Fired Earth Furniture Liquid Wax as a wipe-on maintenance and cleaning wax. This maintenance product treats and revives previously treated or coated wood surfaces, where waxes, oils, varnishes or sealers have been used. PRODUCT BENEFITS Maintenance and cleaning wax, keeping wood in pristine condition. Deep penetrating furniture wax will protect furniture and woodwork against severe moisture and environmental changes High wax content, enhances the natural colour and grain of wood Subtle waxy silk finish Protects furniture or woodwork while in transit SPREADING RATE This product will cover approximately 8 -15 m² / litre per coat depending on the type of substrate, surface porosity and application. DRYING PROPERTIES Dries to a waxy finish within 15 min @ 23°C CLEANING Clean all tools (brushes, rollers, cloths and spray equipment) while wet with Mineral Turpentine. PRODUCT SIZES 500 ml & 1 L DOCUMENTATION CLEARWEATHERPROOF LIQUID WAX
Over-coating time: 4 hours @ 23°C