function init(){
$('.sqs-block-markdown').nextUntil('.sqs-block-markdown, .sqs-block-code').slideUp(); //Your code (wrapped in a function)
$('.sqs-block-markdown').not(this).nextUntil('.sqs-block-markdown, .sqs-block-code').slideUp(),
$(this).nextUntil('.sqs-block-markdown, .sqs-block-code').slideToggle();
document.addEventListener('pageChange', function(){ //When the change page event fires due to ajax
init(); //Call the code again
/*This stuff listens for an ajax page change*/
window.onload = watch;
function watch(){MutationObserver=window.MutationObserver||window.WebKitMutationObserver;var a=new MutationObserver(function(a){for(var b=0;b PRODUCT DESCRIPTION Fired Earth Kitchens & Bathrooms paint is a high quality pigmented hygienic water based paint. It has a subtle sheen finish with excellent adhesion, stain resistance and washability. It is also mould, water and steam resistant in high humidity areas. Application can be for either primed new work, or previously sound painted areas. PRODUCT BENEFITS Lead free Hard wearing gloss finish Water & steam resistant Excellent adhesion properties Smooth high gloss finish SPREADING RATE This product will cover approximately 8 to 10 m² / litre per coat depending on the type of substrate and surface porosity. DRYING PROPERTIES Touch-dry: 30 minutes. CLEANING Clean all tools (brushes & rollers) while wet with water after use. PRODUCT SIZES 2.5 L DOCUMENTATIONkITCHENS & bATHROOMS
Over-coating time: 4 - 6 hours.